Farm Program

Feeding, educating and engaging PBSA families and their communities.

Our Principles

  • Proximity and access to healthy and culturally appropriate food sources.
  • Families connected to and engaged with food in their community.
  • Local organizations vested in food security.
  • Community decision-making and participation in the food system.
  • Pantries are only a fail-safe; moving away from short term fixes.

Our Impact

  • We empower Purpose Built Scholars to be change agents in their communities.
  • Scholars discover the value of creating and participating in their own food systems.
  • We improve access for PBSA families to healthy, culturally relevant food.

Related Blog Post:
Student-led Farms Continue to Nourish, Empower South Atlanta Community

Growing Community, Education, and Opportunity

Feeding the Community

Our school farms are vibrant and participatory local food systems that address the unequal distribution of healthy food in south Atlanta.

Educating the Next Generation of Farm Entrepreneurs

Curriculum-based, hands-on activities on the farms provide students with agricultural knowledge and experience growing their own food.

Creating a Hub of Engagement That Connects Schools and Community

By connecting local resources and organizations to the farm, our farm program helps boost the local economy.

Our Farm Partners

Purpose Built Schools Atlanta