Dear Parent/Guardian: 

I know this must be an incredibly challenging time for you and your family. That is why I’m writing to you today. 

Atlanta Public Schools (APS), Purpose Built Schools (PBSA), and our community partners are making sure every student affected by Forest Cove delays has a seat and the appropriate resources for a successful start to the school year on August 1. 

Students will be welcomed at their zoned school (Slater, Price, or Carver) on August 1 and I want to assure you that *transportation will be provided for students attending these three schools. You will soon hear directly from PBSA with more details about transportation and the start of the new school year. 

We encourage you to start your student at the school they attended last year. If your student attended Thomasville Heights, a seat will be available for them at Slater Elementary (or for rising 6th graders, Price Middle School). 

During this process of relocation, APS, PBSA, and our community partners will continue to assist and support you with getting your student registered at their new zoned school, whether in APS or in a surrounding district. 

I encourage you to attend the community meeting next week (Wednesday, July 27 from 4-6 p.m. at the Thomasville Heights Recreation Center) hosted by PBSA which will include the principals from Slater, Price, and Carver. 

Because this is a rapidly changing situation, I hope this letter provides you with as much certainty as possible under the circumstances. Please reach out to PBSA at 404-802-4050 (Slater), 404-802-6300 (Price), or 404-802-4415 (Carver STEAM Academy) for information specific to your family, and please read our FAQs at 

Yours in service, 

Dr. Lisa Herring 

*PBSA will reach out to families with specific transportation information prior to Day One. Students who attend a district-run school through the transfer process, or a charter school, we encourage you to remain at your school while awaiting your relocation details. Please note that transportation is your responsibility as in previous school years. 

PDF version of full letter

Thomasville Neighborhood / Slater Bus Route   Forest Cove / Slater Bus Route