Representatives from Purpose Built Schools Atlanta accepting the nutrition award.

The nutrition program at Purpose Built Schools Atlanta was recognized by the Georgia School Nutrition Association for increased participation in their lunch and breakfast programs.

The program has had more students lining up for healthy school food since Carolyn Pusey-Wade, more affectionately known as “Chef Nana,” took on the role of Director of Nutrition in SY 2022-23 and hired high-performing team of cafeteria managers that includes Joquita Lampkin, Alkeera Redding, and Monica Stinson. Since then, the number of students who participate in school breakfast and lunch has increased significantly, particularly among high schoolers, where the increase went from 20% to 50%.

The popular new food choices came out of a student-driven initiative to spark widespread cafeteria changes and enhanced nutrition across Purpose Built Schools Atlanta. Purpose Built Schools invests an extra $300 per student each year to give them nourishing, delicious food that students crave.

The nutrition program earned an Achievement Award, which recognizes schools with greater than 3% increased participation at breakfast and lunch for SY 2022-23. It was awarded at the 2024 Georgia School Nutrition Association Annual Conference.

Inside Purpose Built Schools Atlanta’s Award-Winning Nutrition Program