Purpose Built Schools Atlanta recently partnered with Metro RESA to support 12 selected instructional staff members for the first PBSA STEM Cohort, a unique group of educators, across various disciplines and grade levels.

“We are thrilled to offer this professional development opportunity to outstanding educators who have demonstrated their commitment to Purpose Built Schools and our scholars,” said Mike Davis, CEO, Purpose Built Schools Atlanta. “We are confident that their dedication and participation will significantly contribute to the advancement of STEM education and PBL within PBSA.”

Over the next two semesters, the cohort members will engage in the STEM endorsement, comprising two 18-week courses: “Elements of STEM” and “Intersections of STEM.” Successfully completing the requirements will enable participants to add the STEM field to their existing professional certificates.

“This rigorous endorsement, akin to a graduate course, demands a significant time commitment,” said Anjanette Farrar, PBL & STEAM Coordinator, Purpose Built Schools Atlanta. “The assignments are designed to support STEM instruction and encompass tasks such as developing integrated and project-based learning lessons and units, writing a grant, creating a professional resource collection, visiting a STEM-certified school, engaging in collaborative discussions with STEM colleagues, and collaborating with STEM partners.”

Congratulations to the educators selected for this cohort:

Carver STEAM Academy

  • Adam Stanley
  • Sabur Karim-Kincy
  • Cornelius English

Price Middle

  • Michelle Braggs
  • Whitney Thomas
  • Ebony Ellis
  • Jaidenne Braggs
  • Anthony Holder
  • Daniel Fairweather

Slater Elementary

  • Bridgette Starks-Terry
  • Akisha Graham
  • Denise Williams

Meet the Cohort